Thursday, February 12, 2009

A Good Day

Alyssa: Did you have a good day?????? Because I had a good day. ♥♥♥

I ♥ good days! Do you????

I felt mad when I didn't want to take a bath.
I did not feel sad.
I didn't feel scared.
I felt glad when I saw Alyssa's blog!

I am grateful for:
2. Alyssa
3. Alyssa's Mom
4. blog
5. I have a toy pegasus.

The things I like about myself are:
1. Bath
2. Reading in my room.
3. Working hard on my school.




Alyssa said...

Yes I had a great day!
hey,how do you get music on your blog.y r r r a l.If you don't know what that means here is what it means you really really rock a lot.

Marty Walden said...

J, I'm so proud that you're doing great. I'm Stephanie and Martin's mom and I'm really having a hard time with Martin. He lies all the time and it really pushes me away. He doesn't want to be honest with his feelings and pushes me away by arguing constantly. He's been with us since he was 1 year old. That's almost 9 years and he is still a very angry kid. What would you suggest I do to help get through to him. Thanks a bunch! Mrs. Walden

Alyssa's Mom said...

I am so grateful for you too!

Your honesty and courage is helping Alyssa to be honest and courageous too!

I am grateful that my daughter has an awesome girl like you to talk to.

You Rock!
